by Peter Speetjens | 10/10/2012 | Middle East
“There are so many foreigners here — the whole world loves us,” said Um Ali, as she and her son shuffled through the endless sands of Zaatari Camp, the tent city in northern Jordan, which by mid-September was home to some 31,000 Syrian refugees and, indeed, an...
by Peter Speetjens | 09/03/2012 | Middle East
Reflecting the blue skies above, the Jordan Gate towers are the tallest — and arguably the emptiest — buildings on the Amman horizon. King Abdullah II in 2005 laid the foundation stone for the prestigious project, which was said to become the business address in the...
by Peter Speetjens | 09/04/2011 | Middle East
Koningin Rania van Jordanië is een graag geziene gast in de internationale pers. Mooi, charmant en altijd elegant gekleed geldt ze als een symbool van een modern en gematigd land in een regio die te vaak wordt vereenzelvigd met geweld. In Jordanië zelf echter is de...
by Peter Speetjens | 11/12/2010 | Middle East
Victims turned into villains on November 9 when the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it had arrested 17 people accused of issuing false claims and documents to obtain pensions and hardship allowances from the Conference on Jewish Material...
by Peter Speetjens | 11/10/2010 | Middle East
The recent theft of a $50 million Van Gogh painting from the Mahmoud Khalil Museum in Cairo is hardly an isolated case. As art prices continue to skyrocket, the underworld is rapidly developing a taste for culture, turning art theft into a global business worth some...
by Peter Speetjens | 09/02/2008 | Middle East
Norman Finkelstein is werkloos. Iedereen had verwacht dat de assistent-hoogleraar politieke wetenschappen vorige zomer voor het leven benoemd zou worden. De 54-jarige had een bovengemiddeld publicatiegemiddelde en een meerderheid van zijn collega’s had een...